The type of diabetes that affects pregnant women is gestational diabetes. At least five in every 100 women will develop it. It’s usually diagnosed from a blood test 24-28 weeks into pregnancy.
Women with gestational diabetes don’t have diabetes before their pregnancy – and it usually goes away after giving birth. But, in some women, diabetes may be diagnosed in the first trimester. If this is the case, they probably had diabetes before they got pregnant and it won’t go away after giving birth.
A lot of change happens to your body during pregnancy. the hormones you produce during pregnancy make it hard for your body to use the insulin effectively. This puts you at an increased risk of insulin resistance and some women cannot produce enough insulin to overcome it. This makes it difficult to use glucose (sugar) properly for energy, so it stays in your blood and the blood sugar levels rise. This then leads to gestational diabetes.
Who’s At Risk
You are more likely to get gestational diabetes if you:
Women can reduce their risk by managing weight, eating healthily and keeping active before pregnancy.
Having gestational diabetes can increase your risk of developing it in future pregnancies. You are also at a risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life.
Many women do not have any noticeable symptoms. Some of the of symptoms are similar to the ones experienced in pregnancy, but these are rare in gestational diabetes.
Symptoms may include:
Day to day it is about keeping your blood sugar levels under control in order to have a healthy pregnancy and reduce the risk of complications. You will have to regularly monitor your blood sugars at home to help with the treatment plan.
arget blood glucose levels:-
Fasting – less than or equal to 92mg/dl
1 hour post-meals – less than or equal to 140mg/dl
For some women, making changes to their diet and physical activity can help them reach their target blood sugar levels. But, in most cases alongside diet and exercise medications including injecting insulin may be needed.
Possible Complications
If your gestational diabetes isn’t looked after properly, it can increase your risk of complications. Having high blood sugar levels during pregnancy can lead to:
Making A Difference
On the bright sideyour active involvement plays a huge part in the management of gestational diabetes. The main ways you can do this are by: